
Gen V Season 1 Ending Explained: Where Marie & Her Friends Are in The Final Scene

Gen V Season 1 Ending Explained: Where Marie & Her Friends Are in The Final Scene

Finally, Gen V season 1 has come to an end. Here is an explanation of the thrilling spinoff’s conclusion, revealing where Marie and her pals are in the last scene. With a variety of storylines that set up The Boys season 4 and others that need to be resolved in Gen V season 2, the first season of Gen V left many unanswered questions and mysteries. Here is a recap of everything that happened at the thrilling climax of Godolkin University’s first arc in Gen V season 1, which was jam-packed with setups, cameos, and surprise reveals.

Gen V looks at the world of The Boys through a new lens, with the series this time focusing on a college for supes known as Godolkin University. The series follows Marie Moreau, a young blood-bender who gets the opportunity to attend the prestigious Vought-run college. Upon arriving, however, Marie and her friends discover Vought’s the Woods facility, with opinions being divided on how to deal with the conspiracy. As is shown in the finale, a boiling point is eventually reached.


  • Gen V season 1 ends with Marie and her friends trapped in a mysterious facility, raising questions about their whereabouts and potential theories.
  • In the mid-credit’s scene, Billy Butcher is seen searching for the supe virus, indicating that it will be a major plot element in Gen V season 2.
  • Homelander chooses to side with Cate and Sam, who have become supe supremacists, setting them up as potential main villains for Gen V season 2.

Where Gen V’s Heroes Are in The Final Scene

Marie, Andre, Jordan, And Emma May Have Been Captured By Vought

When Marie awakens from Homelander’s knockout, she finds herself in an enigmatic facility. Marie is in the prison with Andre, Jordan, Emma, and none of them seem to know where they are. The episode ends before this question is answered, as they observe that there are no doors anywhere. There are several suggestions, nevertheless, about their possible whereabouts.

Given that Vought has a history of housing supes, it’s plausible that the gang is being housed in a security facility. Another possibility is that Grace Mallory held the Gen V crew hostage in the same safe house as Soldier Boy while she saved them. An even more interesting possibility is that the four friends are trapped inside of Cate’s mind, which could explain the strange door-less layout of the room.

What Billy Butcher Is Doing in Gen V’s Mid-Credits Scene

Butcher Knows About the Supe Killing Virus

In the mid-credits scene of Gen V’s first season, Billy Butcher is shown using a flashlight to look around the abandoned Woods facility. Though it’s not stated clearly, it is likely that Billy Butcher is searching for the Supe virus. One of the main plot points of Gen V has been an infectious virus that kills supes, however the series withholds information regarding what becomes of the new weapon.

Billy Butcher is already searching for Victoria Neuman’s sample, even though it is something that is crucial to The Boys season 4. After all, Billy Butcher kills supermen with a biological weapon in the comic book’s conclusion.

Why Homelander Sides with Cate & Sam in Gen V’s Ending

Homelander Is Starting to Rebel Against the Human Elements of Vought

Unexpectedly, Cate and Sam free all of the inmates in the Woods at the end of Gen V, inspiring them to launch a revolution against the humans at Godolkin University. As the unleashed supes start murdering people without warning, Ashley is forced to summon Homelander for assistance. When Homelander shows there, he takes a stand with Cate and Sam rather than supporting Marie and her companions.

The reason Homelander took this action is that by the conclusion of Gen V, Cate and Sam had become supremacists, a far-right ideology that forms the basis of Homelander’s The Boys season 3 political movement.

Are Cate & Sam Gen V Season 2’s Main Villains?

When Gen V Returns It’s Unclear Who the Antagonist Will Be

Although there were many villains in Generation V, many viewers are now wondering if Cate and Sam are the primary antagonists of the season. The explanation is intricate. All three of them—Cate, Sam, Shetty, and Cardosa—are villains, even though they are only acting in unison.

While Cate and Sam feel they are better than humans and would like to start a genocide, Shetty is enraged with the Supes and wants to start a genocide. Even though they are all definitely terrible, the evil displayed by both sets of villains is a response to the villainy displayed by the other sides.

Why Emma Shrinks Without Throwing Up

Emma’s Powers Seem to Be Evolving

Following her battle with Sam, Emma becomes quite little. Emma has only been able to shrink by throwing up during Gen V; this is the first time she has done it without puking. It’s plausible that Emma shrank as a result of Sam’s cruel remarks because they made her feel ill.

Emma feels wretched and unworthy as she makes herself throw up, and it appears that Sam’s talk with Emma had the same impact. While this is disappointing, Emma may be able to use her abilities more effectively in the future Gen V thanks to this revelation.

What The Public Thinks Happened at Godolkin

Vought Convinced the World That Marie Was Behind the Supe Uprising

A report featuring Cameron Coleman is shown at the end of Gen V episode 8, exposing the way in which Vought has misrepresented the events at Godolkin University. The public has been taught to believe by Vought that Cate and Sam put an end to the supe insurrection, whereas Marie, Andre, Jordan, and Emma were the ones who spearheaded it.

The program additionally affirms that Godolkin University will endure beyond the disturbances, despite the Billy Butcher mid-credits sequence giving the impression that the Woods had been abandoned entirely. Godolkin University would have little need for Vought without the Woods because, as Shetty previously disclosed, it was a viral cover-up.

Andre Losing His Powers Sets Up His Gen V Season 2 Arc

Andre’s Narrative Has Parallels with Butcher’s Temp V Storyline

A side story that follows Andre during his father Polarity’s medical episode airs in Gen V episodes 7 and 8. In the first season finale, it is revealed that Polarity’s usage of his powers has resulted in the formation of dark spots in his brain. As a precaution, the doctor advises Andre to stop using his powers.

But Andrew finds himself in conflict since Polarity wants Andre to assume the Polarity mantle; this issue will be resolved in Gen V season 2. In keeping with the Temp-V narrative from The Boys season three, Andre will have to choose whether he wants to die with powers or live without them.

Actor Chance Perdomo unfortunately passed away in March 2024, and it’s been reported that Andre will not be recast. How Gen V season 2 will write out his character has yet to be confirmed.

How The Gen V Ending Played into The Boys Season 4

Season 4 Of the Boys Followed on From Gen V More Than Season 3

Season 4 of The Boys was hinted to by the conclusion of Gen V, and it is evident that Amazon operated under the presumption that viewers of one show would also watch the other. Gen V functions practically like The Boys season 3.5 because of how close they are to each other. Of course, the virus that kills Supe is the most obvious method. The virus plays a major role in season 4 of The Boys, as the scene during the mid-credits of the Gen V finale featuring Butcher hinted at.

The most of the most recent season’s story revolves around Butcher’s attempts to turn the virus into a weapon against Homelander. For those who hadn’t followed Gen V, this part of season 4 of The Boys would have felt like a leap, given that the virus played no role in season 3. Neuman’s character journey also benefited greatly from her engagement, and her story picked up where Gen V left off when The Boys returned.

But Gen V did more than just use the virus to set up The Boys season 4. Homelander’s support for Sam and Cate also hinted at a significant change in his persona. Homelander’s early existence was further addressed in the most recent season of The Boys, which featured an extremely graphic scene in which he exacted revenge on the Vought scientists who had reared him. It appears that he was motivated to pursue his own retribution by both pity for the Supers incarcerated in the God U facility and their revolt.

In the season 4 finale of The Boys, it was finally revealed that Homelander had deputized Cate and Sam, who were now working for him and the American government in his fight against the “subversive elements” he saw as a threat to the country. This will probably have an impact on both Gen V season 2 and The Boys season 5.

Gen V

A spin-off of The Boys, Gen V is based on a story arc from the original comic series set in the TV series universe. Gen V follows a group of college students starting at a Vought International-created school for superheroes, where students compete in increasingly dangerous challenges to win a hero contract in the highest-paying and most coveted city locations. This happens as these young adults try to understand their powers as they grow up and figure out where they fit into society.

Lizzie Broadway, Jaz Sinclair, Chance Perdomo, Maddie Phillips, London Thor, Derek Luh, Asa German, Shelley Conn, Patrick Schwarzenegger

Release Date: September 29, 2023

Seasons: 1

Franchise(s): The Boys


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