Netflix is ready to grow and encompass the world of film. The streaming behemoth has selected and hand-picked original series and films from many languages and places, ranging from Poland to Japan to South Africa, rather than limiting itself to only well-known or English titles. This Valentine’s Day, Tudum is serving us a dark Polish comedy called Kill Me If You Dare, just in time to inject a little danger into the otherwise corny mood.
Release Date of Kill Me If You Dare
Netflix will begin streaming Kill Me If You Dare on February 13, 2024. The movie has released a teaser that shows how a couple’s marriage begins to fail and darkens after they win the lotto. A million Polish zloty is enough to set up a counterintuitive scenario where both partners believe the other is trying to trick them in order to be the only one to inherit the money.
Plot of Kill Me If You Dare
Demet and Okan are utterly enamoured with each other, living out a dreamlike romance. After five years of marriage, the fairytale’s sheen has faded, and Demet is disappointed that her husband is frugal with their money and doesn’t display any romantic gestures, such as buying her an iron on their anniversary. Okan purchases a lotto ticket from a man who is passing by.
When they get home later, a still-angry Demet instructs Okan to go sleep in a different room so she won’t have to hear him snore. A few seconds later, to her amazement, she hears him screaming. Entering the lounge, she finds her delighted husband there. They’ve won the lotto, he informs her.
Is it decent at all? The performances were great, and I thought the movie was really funny overall. Although it is not a comedy classic, its low 4.6 rating on IMDB does not fully reflect how bad it is.
Here we get spoilers: Okan (Murat Boz) is caught in traffic. In an attempt to reach Demet (Seda Bakan), he is making his way to the station. Demet scans the area, trying to get a glimpse of him. She heads to the train, a little disappointed not to see him. After noticing that the traffic is stopped, Okan exits his vehicle and sprints to the station.
He searches the station for Demet. As the train pulls away, he dashes to the platform and searches the windows for her. The train pulls out of the station. As a downtrodden Okan turns to go, he spots Demet. He approaches her and expresses his love. She also adores him. She accepts his proposal when he makes it. Their lives have drastically changed in the last five years.
Demet, not very impressed, observes Okan shoving food in his face at the food court at the mall. On this day of their fifth anniversary, Okan has taken her to lunch in the mall where she works. Okan is baffled as to why she is feeling this way. She informs him that their marriage lacks excitement and that they seldom take vacations. Okan chooses to purchase a lottery ticket. He asks her for the remaining amount as he doesn’t have enough for the ticket. After giving him the cash, Demet gets up to go back to work. He halts her. The iron escaped her memory.
A furious Barking at the other shop girls as she walks through the store, Demet goes back to work. Her best friend Gonca (Açelya Topaloglu) attempts to comfort her. Demet tells her about Okan showing her around the food hall above and giving her a present of an iron. If anything were to happen to her, Gonca assures her that she would divorce him. Demet notes that she doesn’t even have a boyfriend; in addition to not having a husband.

They shift the topic, with Demet telling them to get to work before their terrible boss comes back. Gonca informs her of a scheme she has devised to assassinate their employer. She is told she is insane by Demet. then resume their job. When Okan gets back to his workplace, everyone cheers. After winning employee of the month, he receives insurance coverage for himself and his spouse as a gift from his employer, the stunning Zeynep (Seda Güven). Okan’s coworker Bülent (Özgür Emre Yildirim) approaches Okan’s desk.
Bülent is a touch too passionate and zealous. When Demet enters the restroom later at home and walks on the wet floor, her annoyance is increased. She yells, “Why can’t he dry the floor?” The bathroom is supposed to be damp, Okan, who’s in bed, mumbles. Demet retires to his bed. Okan attempts to make love. She tells him she has a headache and is not in the mood. Okan chooses to go to bed in a different room. Feeling content to have the bed to herself, Demet sprawls out. She hears Okan screaming and is startled out of her happy moment. She bursts into his chamber.
They’ve won the lotto, he informs her. She checks the numbers at his request. They have prevailed. After all the numbers were called, they were awarded five million lira. They celebrate their victory by dancing about.
Demet saunters into work late the next day. When her supervisor tries to reprimand her, she quits and gives him a hard time before leaving. Motivated by her companion, Gonca spits in the boss’s face and leaves. She is terrified that she won’t have any money when she meets with Demet. Tell her not to worry, Demet says. She assures her that she would take care of her and that she won the lotto.
Gonca informs her that men first change their cars and then their ladies when they get rich. Demet calls her naive, but then he witnesses Okan and Zeynep entering the same fancy restaurant. She ignores Zeynep’s extended hand and approaches him. Okan draws attention to the fact that Zeynep, who Demet has never met but heard about, is attending the business lunch.
Demet adjourns the restaurant, looking humiliated. Gonca is certain that Okan will end up dating Zeynep. Demet gives her no attention. Gonca is certain that Demet wants to kill her after he informs her that Okan has obtained her life insurance. Demet needs to murder him first, she argues. She’s being stupid, Demet tells her.