Every Cobra Kai Couple, Ranked Worst to Best
All five of Cobra Kai’s seasons have featured a significant amount of romance. Many of the characters in the series, whether they are adults or teenagers, have developed in part because of the relationships they have been in. There has always been a purpose regarding why the two characters dated and what they learnt before, during, and after the relationship, even though it hasn’t always worked out.
Cobra Kai depicts how the fighting tactics of Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso impact the kids they instruct while delving into their benefits and drawbacks. Many characters in the program alternate between being protagonists and antagonists, illustrating how ambiguous everything is. One of the best ways to show how a Cobra Kai character progresses is through the person they see romantically. While at times it ends in heartbreak, it gives characters a peak into their mindsets.
- Relationships in Cobra Kai show character growth through breakups and reconciliations, highlighting personal development and maturity.
- Romances drive character arcs, influencing choices and allegiances, blurring lines between heroes and villains in the series.
- Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso’s differing fighting styles impact both their own lives and the children they mentor in Cobra Kai.
Kyler Park & Sam LaRusso
Season 1
Sam started dating Kyler before season one ever started, having been accepted into the in crowd. Sam quickly dumped Kyler after realizing how much of a bully he truly was, even though at first, he seemed like a lovely guy—at least around her. This was highlighted even further when, in an attempt to get even with Sam following their breakup, Kyler started a fake rumor.
Though it was never meant to be this way, this is Cobra Kai’s least interesting relationship. It was meant to show that Sam still had dating standards in spite of her recent rise to fame. What transpires following their breakup is the best aspect of this relationship.
Sam becomes invested in karate, following her father’s teachings, and Kyler joins Cobra Kai. While he embraces bullying under Cobra Kai’s teaching, he eventually becomes a much better person, and likely could have been a better boyfriend for Sam once he realized the error of his ways.

Miguel Diaz & Tory Nichols
Season 2 To Season 3
In season two, Miguel befriends Tory, who assists him in getting over his separation with Sam. Together, they enjoy fun, but that’s all. Their romance is short-lived as a result of Tory witnessing Miguel kiss an inebriated Sam at a party, which sparks a confrontation at school that becomes one of the most iconic fight sequences in Cobra Kai. Unfortunately, it appears like Miguel’s primary reason for dating Tory was that he was obviously still in love with her and was just getting over his divorce with Sam.
Although Tory definitely admired Miguel, their relationship demonstrates that one-sided relationships aren’t always worth it in terms of dating.
Miguel saw Tory as a distraction, and Tory saw Miguel as someone with whom to try to fit in. It didn’t help that Tory didn’t come to see him in the hospital after the fall that left him paralyzed – as opposed to Sam, who did – which led to their breakup. Tory undoubtedly liked Miguel, but their relationship shows that sometimes dating isn’t worth it when it’s one-sided.
Robbie Keene & Sam LaRusso
Season 2
When Sam was allowed to live at the LaRussos’ home during Cobra Kai season 2, he began to get to know Robbie. When they were first learned Miyagi-do with Daniel LaRusso, they became close. When Robbie honors Sam’s wish to keep their connection a secret from the public, he demonstrates his empathy.
Even though the relationship doesn’t work out, Robbie still has potential for good despite his difficult past because to Sam’s influence. The two were doomed from the beginning because of Robby’s personal fears about their relationship and his lack of honesty with Sam.
A big part of what kept their relationship from working was Robby’s insecurity regarding Miguel; Robby purposely hid the fact that Miguel returned Mr. Miyagi’s Medal of Honor out of fear that this would repair his relationship with Sam. This lie helped drive a wedge between Robby and Sam.
John Kreese & Betsy
Season 4
One of the few partnerships in Cobra Kai that takes place solely in flashbacks, but it gives John Kreese a human face, even though at first he seemed to be the most unredeemable character in the story. The romantic relationship between Kreese and Betsy demonstrates his ability to connect with people on a human level prior to his transformation into the tough sensei he portrays in the Karate Kid/Cobra Kai series.
Actually, when Turner, Kreese’s captain, confesses that Betsy perished in an automobile accident, Kreese decides to murder Turner rather than save him, signifying his acceptance of a darker side. Though the audience gains a deeper understanding of Kreese’s character through numerous early flashbacks, it is Betsy’s death that marks the turning point in his life. Her death adds a sympathetic element to Kreese’s character while also revealing his turning point.

Relationship | Broke Up Because |
Sam and Kyler | Kyler was a jerk |
Sam and Robby | Robby nearly killed Miguel (by accident) |
Miguel and Tory | Miguel was not over Sam |
Hawk and Moon | Hawk had become a jerk |
John Kreese and Betsy | Betsy died in a tragic car accident |
Demitri Alexopoulos & Yasmine
Season 3 To Season 6
Since Yasmine is the class queen at their high school, at first it seemed like Demetri would never get a chance to date her. Although she’s one of the popular girls who first accepts Sam into her group, she also comes out as the group’s biggest bully, which makes it difficult for the spectator to feel sympathy for her. When she starts interacting with Demetri, that changes.
When she discovers what it’s like to be the target of bullying and he starts to gain self-assurance, the two start to connect. Even though they are undoubtedly the unlikeliest coupling in Cobra Kai, their connection demonstrates how much Yasmine has changed as a person. At the same time, Demetri realizes he only has to be confident in who he is to get the girl he wants. The appeal of their relationship is that it shows that two people who appear to be polar opposites can have a strong connection.
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz & Moon
Season 1 To Season 2, Season 4 To Season 6
Cobra’s Eli arcs the story of Kai follows his transformation from a nerd to a bully to a skilled fighter attempting to change himself. After “flipping the script,” Eli gains confidence and starts dating Moon, a popular girl. Although Moon is friends with Sam and Yasmine, she isn’t as keen in learning karate as Sam is, nor is she as intent on wielding social power. In actuality, she leans toward pacifism.
Moon dumps Eli when he beats up Demetri and turns into a bully himself. She is not fond of the person he is becoming into while learning from Cobra Kai. Initially, Eli doubles down, but upon realizing the errors of his ways, he gets back together with Moon when she tells him his confidence and energy were what attracted her to him in season 1.
Partially through her, Cobra Kai’s Eli learns his lesson that he doesn’t have to be an arrogant jerk to find happiness; he just has to be his true self. While Moon isn’t seen much in seasons 5 or 6, they are, presumably, still together in the first part of season 6 since there has been no mention of another breakup.
Robbie Keene & Tory Nichols
Season 4 To Season 6
When Tory and Robby plan to get even with their ex-boyfriends during their prom, they first get along well. Wanting to make their ex-partners envious, the pair shows up united. Their shared interest in karate and their experiences of being harmed by Sam and Miguel lead them to become friends. But as they discover how much their shared violent pasts and fighting prowess have in common, they begin dating. More than Sam or Miguel, they comprehend each other’s need to survive in a world where the odds are stacked against them.
Even though Robby can’t persuade Tory that Cobra Kai is terrible, they break up at first, but in the end, Tory leaves Cobra Kai and gets back together with Robby. Their relationship shows that even if previous relationships don’t work out, people can find better ones with partners who they fit better with.
Of course, that doesn’t mean they always see eye-to-eye either. While Robby fully embraces Miyagi-do, Tory has a harder time with it. In season 6, she’s still so full of anger over her past mistakes and over problems in her home life that she doesn’t feel she can lean on Robby. She becomes singularly focused on proving herself in the Sekai Taikai, and it remains to be seen whether the two can find their way back to one another.
Daniel & Amanda LaRusso
Season 1 To Season 6
At first glance, Daniel and Amanda seemed to be the most stable pair on the show. But when karate enters the picture again, Daniel begins to indulge his petty side, and Amanda is quick to correct him.
Daniel and Amanda are, in a way, the epitome of what makes a happy and successful marriage.
Amanda grows irritated with the way his rivalry with Terry Silver, Johnny, and Kreese dominates their lives as karate becomes a bigger and bigger part of their lives. Daniel regains his love for karate and grows as a result of Amanda. Daniel and Amanda are, in a way, the epitome of what makes a happy and successful marriage. The two work as a team to raise their children and to grow together as a couple.
Every time Daniel gets sucked back into obsessing about his past, Amanda helps him to find ways to move forward. Even though she doesn’t understand his love for karate, she starts to help out at the dojo and tournaments, wanting to understand how much it means to him. They strive to meet in the middle.